Submitted by powerpbx on Fri, 03/30/2018 - 11:18
Submitted by powerpbx on Tue, 03/27/2018 - 14:30
Submitted by powerpbx on Wed, 11/23/2016 - 10:27

Kazoo is a highly scalable API based VoIP telephony platform. This guide shows how to install Kazoo v4 on one CentOS v7 server. It can be used in conjunction with our Kazoo multiple server guide for more than one server.
To make this procedure more universal, some of the configurations are there for compatibility with multiple-server installs.
CentOS v7 minimal ISO
BigCouch NoSQL database v0.4
HAProxy http load balancer v1.5
FreeSWITCH media server v1.6
Kamailio SIP server v4
RabbitMQ message broker v3
Kazoo v4
Submitted by powerpbx on Wed, 10/28/2020 - 06:01

This guide covers the installation of the ASTPP VoIP billing and Freeswitch applications. ASTPP is installed manually from source. Freeswitch is installed from deb packages.
Tested using the following software:
- Debian v9 (Stretch) x64 minimal install
- ASTPP v4.0
- Freeswitch v1.10
- Nginx v1.10
- PHP v7.3
- MySQL v8
Submitted by powerpbx on Wed, 06/05/2019 - 07:44

This assumes FusionPBX was installed using this FusionPBX install guide or the public install script. This procedure should work for root domains, subdomains, and wildcards.
Tested using:
* Certbot v0.28 (included with Debian 9)
* Fusionpbx 4.4
* Debian 9
* Nginx
Submitted by powerpbx on Thu, 05/16/2019 - 21:40

Fusionpbx is a full featured mult-tenant GUI for Freeswitch. This guide covers the installation of Fusionpbx and Freeswitch® with PostgreSQL and NGINX on Debian v9.
Tested on:
Debian v9 (Stretch) x64 minimal install
Freeswitch v1.8
FusionPBX v4
Nginx v1.10
PHP v7.1
PostgreSQL v11
Submitted by powerpbx on Mon, 04/23/2018 - 15:09

This guide covers the installation of the ASTPP VoIP billing and Freeswitch applications. ASTPP is installed manually from source. Freeswitch is installed from deb packages.
Tested using the following software:
- Debian v8 (Jessie) x64 minimal install
- ASTPP v3.6
- Freeswitch v1.6
- Apache v2.4
- PHP v7.1
- MariaDB v10
Submitted by powerpbx on Sat, 01/02/2016 - 09:07

Fusionpbx is a full featured mult-tenant GUI for Freeswitch. This guide covers the installation of Fusionpbx and Freeswitch® with MariaDB and Apache on CentOS v7.
Tested on:
CentOS v7
Freeswitch v1.6
FusionPBX v4
MariaDB v5.5