OpenSIPS v2 with GUI on Debian v8 MariaDB Apache install guide


Control panel screenshots

OpenSIPS is a multi-functional, multi-purpose SIP server used by carriers, telecoms or ITSPs for solutions like Class4/5 Platforms, Trunking / Wholesale, Enterprise / Virtual PBX Solutions, Session Border Controllers, Application Servers, Front-End Load Balancers, IMS Platforms, Call Centers, and many other things.

Tested on:

Debian v8 (Jessie) x64 minimal install
OpenSips v2.4
OpenSips GUI v8.2.4
Apache v2.4
PHP v5.6
MariaDB v10


apt update && apt upgrade -y
apt -y install m4 git nano sudo curl dbus monit apache2 lsb-release


Install PHP v5

apt -y install php5 php5-gd php5-mysql php5-xmlrpc php-pear php5-cli php-apc php5-curl libapache2-mod-php5
pear install MDB2#mysql
sed -i "s#short_open_tag = Off#short_open_tag = On#g" /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini


# Set root password when asked. Otherwise it will keep nagging.

apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver hkp:// 0xF1656F24C74CD1D8
curl -sS | sudo bash
apt -y install mariadb-server

Add the following line under [mysqld] to disable strict mode.

nano /etc/mysql/my.cnf
systemctl restart mariadb

Disable Firewall

It is sometimes helpful to disable the firewall during installation.

systemctl disable firewalld
systemctl disable iptables
systemctl stop firewalld
systemctl stop iptables



timedatectl set-timezone America/Vancouver

​timedatectl status
systemctl restart rsyslog



apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 049AD65B 
echo "deb $(lsb_release -sc) 2.4-releases" >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/opensips.list
apt update && apt -y install opensips opensips-mysql-module opensips-postgres-module opensips-unixodbc-module opensips-jabber-module opensips-cpl-module opensips-radius-modules opensips-presence-modules opensips-xmlrpc-module opensips-perl-modules opensips-snmpstats-module opensips-xmpp-module opensips-carrierroute-module opensips-berkeley-module opensips-ldap-modules opensips-geoip-module opensips-regex-module opensips-identity-module opensips-b2bua-module opensips-dbhttp-module opensips-console opensips-dialplan-module opensips-http-modules opensips-tls-module opensips-cgrates-module

DB install

nano /etc/opensips/opensipsctlrc

Remove # from the following line

/usr/sbin/opensipsdbctl create

Answer y to everything

Config generator


Navigate to Generate OpenSIPS Script > Residential Script > Configure Residential Script > Select everything except TLS with spacebar. Hit q key to go back to previous menu.  Select Generate Residential Script.  The tool will show the location and name of the generated script.

mv /etc/opensips/opensips.cfg /etc/opensips/opensips.cfg.orig
cp /etc/opensips/generated_script_name.cfg /etc/opensips/opensips.cfg
chmod 644 /etc/opensips/opensips.cfg

edit lines marked by # CUSTOMIZE ME comment if not using the default DB credentials.

Addtional configs.

nano /etc/opensips/opensips.cfg
## Replace the listen=xxp: lines substituting in the IP of the server


## Add or update HTTPD module section.  These two modules are required for OpenSIPS control panel.
## The module must be loaded first.
## Verify the modules are not loaded more than once in the file otherwise OpenSIPS will not start.
## If you generated the script with all options selected it will add on port 8888.
## Change that port to 8080 and add loadmodule "".

#### HTTPD module
loadmodule "" 
modparam("httpd", "port", 8080) 

loadmodule ""

Check config file validity and show any errors

opensips -C /etc/opensips

If no errors, load config file

systemctl restart opensips

Show console commands

View internal status
opensipsctl moni

Control Panel 

git clone -b 8.2.4 /var/www/opensips

Create OCP table

Before logging in as admin, you must first create the relevant table in the database and add admin user.

cd /var/www/opensips/config
mysql -p opensips < db_schema.mysql

Statistics monitor

cat >> /etc/cron.d/opensips_stats_cron << EOF
# run the statistics sampling once every minute
*  * * * * root (cd /var/www/opensips/; /usr/bin/php cron_job/get_opensips_stats.php)
# run the statistics cleanup once every hour, at x:10
10 * * * * root (cd /var/www/opensips/; /usr/bin/php cron_job/clean_statistics.php)

Monit config

echo -e "set httpd port 2812 and\nallow localhost" >> /etc/monit/monitrc
systemctl restart monit

In the following file, if not using ssl change to ['has_ssl']=0
Change json: to json:

nano /var/www/opensips/config/

Apache config

cat >> /etc/apache2/sites-available/opensips.conf << EOF
<VirtualHost *:80>

DocumentRoot /var/www/opensips

<Directory /var/www/opensips/web>
        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
        AllowOverride None
        Order allow,deny
        allow from all
    <Directory /var/www/opensips>
        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
        AllowOverride None
        Order deny,allow
        deny from all
    Alias /cp /var/www/opensips/web
a2dissite 000-default
a2ensite opensips
chown -R www-data. /var/www/opensips
systemctl restart apache2

browse to http://x.x.x.x/cp

username: admin
password: opensips



apt -y install firewalld
systemctl enable firewalld
systemctl start firewalld

firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service={http,https}
firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port={5060,5061}/tcp
firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port={5060,5061}/udp
firewall-cmd --reload
firewall-cmd --list-all

Log file

To write OpenSips logs to a separate log file in addition to /var/log/syslog.

## Add the following line to /etc/rsyslog.conf
local0.*             -/var/log/opensips.log
touch /var/log/opensips.log
systemctl restart rsyslog

Basic configuration

This shows a basic configuration consisting of local users and a SIP trunk provider. 

Create a local user

From OpenSIPS control panel:

 System > Domains > Add Domain > x.x.x.x
where x.x.x.x is the IP of the server.

Users > User Management > Add New User 
Create an extension number username (such as "1000"), and assign the above domain and a password.  You can also create a named username (such as "joe") and assign alias username (such as "1000") as extension number for dialing.

Point a SIP device at the server IP and add the user credentials above.  The SIP device should indicate it is registered.  Add a second device and you should be able to make extension to extension calls between them. 

Verify registration info by clicking on "Contacts" icon in User Management .   On OpenSIPS cli use opensipsctl ul show.

Set up a SIP trunk

For inbound calling simply point the DID number to the IP of the OpenSIPS server and set the SIP Trunk to IP authentication on the SIP provider end. 

Add gateway source IP for inbound (DID) at Dynamic Routing > Gateways

GWID = SomeSipProvider
Type = 1 (Proxy)
Address = x.x.x.x # Where x.x.x.x is the IP address of calls coming from your Sip Provider.

Click on "Apply Changes to Server" in upper right of screen.

You can add IP authentication on the OpenSips end by using  is_from_gw("1") or loading Permissions Module, adding the IP to Permissions in the Menu,  and using check_source_address("1").   How that is implemented is beyond the scope of this document.

Inbound Calling

For dialing directly from the PSTN to a configured user via the configured SIP trunk.  This may vary depending on what DID format the SIP trunk provider sends.

Users > Alias Management

Username = someusername # This user name must exist in Users > User Management
Alias Username = 1NXXNXXXXXX # This is your DID phone number

You should now be able to make phone calls from the PSTN to your user by dialing the DID phone number.

Outbound Calling

For dialing directly to the PSTN from any configured user.  This may vary depending on what format the SIP trunk provider expects.

Around line 360 in opensips.cfg, replace

 if ($rU=~"^\+[1-9][0-9]+$") {


if (dp_translate("10","$rU/$rU") ) {

restart to load the change

systemctl restart opensips

From the GUI control panel System > Dialplan > Add New Rule for +E.164 dialing if this is what the SIP provider expects.

Dialplan ID = 10
Rule Priority = 1
Matching Regular Expression = ^\+[1-9][0-9]+$

Add new rule for E.164 North American dialing (1NXXNXXXXXX) if this is what the SIP trunk provider expects.

Dialplan ID = 10
Rule Priority = 2 
Matching Regular Expression = ^1[1-9][0-9]{9}+$

Click on "Apply Changes to Server" in upper right of screen.

System > Dynamic Routing > Rules > Add New

Group ID = 0 #Click the "Add" button below it to populate the "0"
Prefix = 1 #Dialed numbers that begin with 1
Gateways List = YourGatewayName #Click the "Add" button to populate Gateway List with your Gateway

Click on "Apply Changes to Server" in upper right of screen.

You should now be able to dial from any local user to the PSTN dialing 11 digit North American numbers which start with 1.
