
Create a Let's Encrypt SSL certificate for FusionPBX on Debian 11

Let's Encrypt

This assumes FusionPBX was installed using this FusionPBX install guide or the public install script.  This procedure should work for root domain and subdomain A records pointed at the server IP address. Some modification of this procedure may be required if you wish to use wildcard certificates.

Tested using:

* Certbot v1.1x
* FusionPBX 5
* Debian 11 (May also work with Debian 10)
* Nginx 1.1x


OV500 VoIP Billing Software for Retail and Wholesale on Debian 11


This guide covers manual installation of the OV500 VoIP billing software on Debian 11.

Our changes from the original repository are shown at the following link.

Tested using the following software:

  • Debian 11 (Bullseye) x64 minimal install
  • OV500 v2
  • Kamailio 5.6
  • Freeswitch 1.10
  • Nginx 1.18
  • PHP 8.1
  • MariaDB 10

FusionPBX 5 Freeswitch 1.10 Debian 11 PostgreSQL Nginx Install Guide


Fusionpbx is a full featured mult-tenant GUI for Freeswitch.  This guide covers the installation of Fusionpbx and Freeswitch® with PostgreSQL and NGINX on Debian 11. 

Tested on:

Debian 11 (Bullseye) x64 minimal install
Freeswitch 1.10
FusionPBX 5
Nginx 1.1x
PHP 8.1
PostgreSQL 16


ASTPP VoIP Billing 6 Debian 11 Freeswitch 1.10 Install Guide



This guide covers the installation of the ASTPP VoIP billing and Freeswitch applications.  ASTPP is installed manually from source.  Freeswitch is installed from deb packages.

Our changes from the original repository are shown at the following link.

Tested using the following software:

  • Debian 11 (Bullseye) x64 minimal install
  • ASTPP 6
  • Freeswitch 1.10
  • Nginx 1.18
  • PHP 8.1
  • MySQL 8

ASTPP VoIP Billing v5.0 Debian v9 Freeswitch v1.10 Install Guide



This guide covers the installation of the ASTPP VoIP billing and Freeswitch applications.  ASTPP is installed manually from source.  Freeswitch is installed from deb packages.

Tested using the following software:

  • Debian v9 (Stretch) x64 minimal install
  • ASTPP v5.0
  • Freeswitch v1.10
  • Nginx v1.10
  • PHP v7.3
  • MySQL v8

ASTPP VoIP Billing v3.6 Debian v8 Freeswitch v1.6 Nginx Install Guide



This guide covers the installation of the ASTPP VoIP billing and Freeswitch applications.  ASTPP is installed manually from source.  Freeswitch is installed from deb packages.

Tested using the following software:

  • Debian v8 (Jessie) x64 minimal install
  • ASTPP v3.6
  • Freeswitch v1.6
  • Nginx v1.6
  • PHP v7.1
  • MariaDB v10

FusionPBX v4.4 Freeswitch v1.6 Debian v8 PostgreSQL Nginx Install Guide


Fusionpbx is a full featured mult-tenant GUI for Freeswitch.  This guide covers the installation of Fusionpbx and Freeswitch® with PostgreSQL and Apache on Debian v8. 

Tested on:

Debian v8 (Jessie) x64 minimal install
Freeswitch v1.6
FusionPBX v4
Nginx v1.6
PHP v7.1
PostgreSQL v9.4


FusionPBX v4.4 Freeswitch v1.6 Debian v8 PostgreSQL Apache Install Guide


Fusionpbx is a full featured mult-tenant GUI for Freeswitch.  This guide covers the installation of Fusionpbx and Freeswitch® with PostgreSQL and Apache on Debian v8. 

Tested on:

Debian v8 (Jessie) 64 bit
Freeswitch v1.6
FusionPBX v4
PostgreSQL v9.4
Apache v2.4
PHP v7.1

