Submitted by powerpbx on Wed, 09/27/2017 - 13:25

This guide covers the installation of Asterisk v13 or v14 and Freepbx v14 GUI from source on Debian v9.
Tested on
Debian v9 (Stretch) x64
Asterisk v13 and v14
Freepbx v14
Submitted by powerpbx on Sat, 01/16/2016 - 01:41

This guide will show how to install A2Billing v2.2 on CentOS v7. It is assumed you already have Linux and Asterisk and Freepbx installed using a procedure similar to this one. It is also assumed you have compiled asterisk realtime driver module (res_config_mysql) by selecting it in asterisk menuselect before compiling asterisk. We do not cover the installation of the callback daemon.
Tested using the following software:
Submitted by powerpbx on Fri, 01/15/2016 - 11:34

This guide covers the installation of Asterisk and Freepbx from source on Debian v8.
Tested on:
Debian v8 (Jessie)
Asterisk v13
Freepbx v13
Submitted by powerpbx on Fri, 12/19/2014 - 09:58

This guide covers the installation of Asterisk® from source on CentOS. Changes in this guide compared to previous guides include the use of Asterisk v12 & v13, Freepbx v12, and the addition of the pjsip library.
Tested on:
CentOS v6 32 bit & 64 bit
Asterisk v12 & v13
Freepbx v12
Submitted by powerpbx on Thu, 12/18/2014 - 12:13

This guide covers the installation of Asterisk®from source on Ubuntu. Changes in this guide compared to previous guides include the use of Ubuntu v14, Asterisk v12 & v13, Freepbx v12, and the addition of the pjsip library.
Tested on:
Ubuntu Server v14.04 LTS 32bit & 64bit
Asterisk v12 & v13
FreePBX v12
Submitted by powerpbx on Wed, 05/08/2013 - 17:49

Tested on
CentOS v6 Freepbx v2.11
Asterisk v11
Terminology used
HA = High Availability. Does not necessarily imply automatic failover.
Primary server = Live production server currently in use.
Submitted by powerpbx on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 19:11
This guide will explain how to replace Flash Operator Panel v1, which is included in FreePBX, with Flash Operator Panel v2 on a RedHat Enterprise Linux server running Asterisk+FreePBX. It is important to note that FOP1 is completely free whereas FOP2 is free only up to 15 buttons. Every element is considered a button. So all extensions + trunks + queues + parking lots + etc. must add up to 15 or less. After that no more buttons will appear until you buy a license.
A key advantage of FOP2 is that it requires an extension and password to view. With FOP1 there is no built in way to prevent everyone from viewing the PBX status.
Submitted by powerpbx on Thu, 12/24/2009 - 14:25
A short guide on how to use High Definition VoIP on Asterisk and FreePBX.
What is it
HD VoIP in the Asterisk world involves selecting the g722 codec for VoIP calls. g722 is known as a wideband codec as opposed to g711 which is narrowband. The nice thing about it is that it does not require any more bandwidth than g711. Both require 64kbit/s each way for a 2-way conversation.