Submitted by powerpbx on Sat, 12/30/2023 - 18:16

This guide covers the installation of Asterisk v20 and Freepbx v17 from source on Debian v12.
Tested on
Debian v12 (Bookworm), x64 minimal install
Asterisk v20
Freepbx v17
PHP v8.2
Submitted by powerpbx on Thu, 01/20/2022 - 07:34

This covers the installation of Asterisk v16 or v18 and Freepbx v16 GUI, from source, on CentOS v7. This procedure is similar to our Asterisk v16 on Freepbx v15 on CentOS procedure and can be used to upgrade servers running that software.
Tested on
CentOS v7 x64
Asterisk v16 & v18
Freepbx v16
PHP v7.4
Submitted by powerpbx on Mon, 01/03/2022 - 14:07

This guide covers the installation of Asterisk v16 or v18 and Freepbx v16, from source, on Debian v9, v10, or v11.
Tested on
Debian v9 (Stretch), v10 (Buster), v11 (Bullseye), x64 minimal install
Asterisk v16 or v18
Freepbx v16
PHP v7.4
Submitted by powerpbx on Thu, 12/19/2019 - 08:04

This covers the installation of Asterisk v16 and Freepbx v15 GUI, from source, on CentOS v8.
Tested on
CentOS v8 x64
Asterisk v16
Freepbx v15
PHP v7.3
Submitted by powerpbx on Tue, 12/17/2019 - 12:12

This guide covers the installation of Asterisk v16 and Freepbx v15 GUI, from source, on Debian v9 or v10.
Tested on
Debian v9 (Stretch) and v10 (Buster) x64 minimal install
Asterisk v16
Freepbx v15
PHP v7.3
Submitted by powerpbx on Fri, 06/14/2019 - 15:50

This covers the installation of Asterisk v16 and Freepbx v15 GUI, from source, on CentOS v7. This procedure is similar to our Asterisk v13-15 on Freepbx v14 on CentOS procedure and can be used to upgrade servers running that software.
Tested on
CentOS v7 x64
Asterisk v16
Freepbx v14
& v15
Submitted by powerpbx on Fri, 06/14/2019 - 12:52

This guide covers the installation of Asterisk v16 and Freepbx v14 GUI, from source, on Debian v9. This procedure is similar to our Asterisk v13-15 on Freepbx v14 on Debian procedure and can be used to upgrade servers running that software.
Tested on
Debian v9 (Stretch) x64
Asterisk v16
Freepbx v14
Submitted by powerpbx on Sun, 11/12/2017 - 11:25

This covers the installation of Asterisk v13 or v14 and Freepbx v14 GUI from source on CentOS v7.
Tested on
CentOS v7 x64
Asterisk v13 and v14
Freepbx v14