Jitsi Sip Communicator Source Code Build Guide for Windows
This guide will show how to build Jitsi from source into a Windows installable application in 32 and 64 bit form. It assumes the development environment is 64 bit. Although we tried to make it as simple as possible, it is still rather involved.
Development software
Windows 7/8/10 x64
WiX Toolset v3.11.1701
Apache Ant v1.10.1
Java SE Development Kit 8u131 x64
Java SE Runtime Environment 8u131 x86 and x64
TDM64-GCC MinGW Compiler v5.1.0
Eclipse IDE for Java Developers x64, Neon 3 version
WiX Toolset
Download the binaries.zip
file and install contents into C:\wix311
Apache Ant
Download and unzip the contents of the apache-ant-1.10.1
folder to a newly created folder C:\ant
Java Development Kit
Install JDK v8 using defaults.
Install JRE v8u131 for creating the embedded Java environment later on in this procedure. The 32bit app needs JRE x86 and the 64bit version needs JRE x64.
MingGW Compiler
For TDM64-GCC installer select MinGW-w64/TDM64 option and install to C:\mingw\x64
. The official MinGW-w64 installer can also be used. We prefer the TDM64-GCC installer.
and install using defaults. Alternatively use the official MinGW installer.C:\mingw\x86\bin\mingw32-make.exe
to make.exe
.Do the same thing in
Install using the windows installer. When starting Eclipse it will ask for a workspace location. For this guide we will be using C:\workspace
Select the Workbench
icon at the upper right which brings us to the main default workspace area.
At upper left select File > Import > Git > Projects from Git > Next > Clone URI > Next
Enter the URI for the Jitsi project which should be https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi.git
Using defaults select Next > Next and change destination directory which for this guide will be C:\workspace\jitsi
Using defaults again select Next at which point it will download the project. Select the Next button again and then the Finish button. Again leaving everything at defaults.
This is what our working environment should now look like
Directory structure
When all required software is installed the directory structure should look like this.
C:\ ├───Program Files │ └───Java │ ├───jdk1.8.0_131 │ └───jre1.8.0_131 ├───Program Files (x86) │ └───Java │ └───jre1.8.0_131 ├───ant │ └───bin ├───mingw │ ├───x64 │ | └───bin │ └───x86 │ └───bin ├───wix311 └───workspace └───jitsi
Windows Environment Variables
On Windows 7 go to Start > Control Panel > System and Security > System > Advanced system settings > Advanced > Environment variables
On Windows 10 the first part is Start > All Apps > Windows System > Control Panel >
etc. etc.
System variables > New
Variable name: ANT_HOME
Variable value: C:\ant
Variable name: JAVA_HOME
Variable value: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_131
Scroll down to Path
and add the following to the end. Don't forget the ;
at the beginning.
Some of these things may have already been added by the installers.
If Eclipse is already running it must be restarted after environment variable changes.
Eclipse Workspace
From top menu Run > Run Configurations > Java Application > Press the "New" button
at the upper left and fill in the details
Name Tab: Jitsi
, Project: jitsi
, Main class: net.java.sip.communicator.launcher.SIPCommunicator
Arguments Tab: > VM Arguments:
-Dfelix.config.properties=file:lib/felix.client.run.properties -Djava.util.logging.config.file=lib/logging.properties -Dnet.java.sip.communicator.SC_HOME_DIR_NAME=Jitsi-dev
Classpath Tab: > Click "User Entries" > Click "Advanced" button > Select "Add Folders" > Select jitsi/lib
Environment Tab: > Click "New"
Name: path
Value: %path%;./lib/native/windows-64
Save the Run configuration by pressing the Apply
Setup Ant in Eclipse
From the top menu select Window > Show View > Ant
At which point you will see an Ant tab appear in the middle right section of our workspace. Now drag the build.xml
file from the expanded left hand column file list over to this right hand area. When done your fully configured workspace should look as follows.
Build and Run Jitsi
According to this Jitsi document on setting up Eclipse, you need to run Ant make-and-deploy
the first time this is all set up. To do that right click make-and-deploy > Run As > 1 Ant Build
in the right hand Ant section. After that you can just run make
after changes.
Now try running Jitsi inside the development environment. In the right hand Ant section right click on run > Run As > 1 Ant Build
. You should see the Jitsi GUI start up. Do not be too concerned with any warning messages in the console.
Create Embedded Java Runtime files
To install and run Jitsi, without knowing the state of the Windows OS it is being installed on, we will embed JRE with our Jitsi installer. This is the same way the official Jitsi installer does it.
Assuming JRE v8u131 x64 has been installed in the default location we simply right click on the C:\Program Files \Java\jre1.8.0_131
folder and copy/paste to desktop. Rename the folder jre
, right click and select Send to > compressed (zipped) folder
. Rename the zipped file something like jre-8u131-windows-x64.zip
. Do the same for the 32bit version in the Program Files (x86)
Create a folder C:\Install
and place both zipped files in there. Now edit .\resources\install\installers.properties
and rename the zip file names accordingly.
Ant Build Configuration
To customize the windows installer edit .\resources\install\ant-build-config.properties
. The existing configuration should make it self explanatory. To make the installer work just like the installer on the jitsi website you need to add splashscreen.enable=true
to the bottom.
build.xml configuration
Make one change to .\resources\install\build.xml
to change the assumed location of the WiX folder. Around line 628
<property name="wix.home" value="C:\wix311" />
Alternatively, this can be done in Eclipse. This will override the value in the above file. From the top menu goto Run > External Tools > External Tools Configuration > Ant Build > Jitsi build.xml > Main
Arguments: -Dwix.home=C:\wix311
Makefile Configuration
We have to make changes to the 3 main Makefiles for them to work properly. Watch out for the wordwrap. The way it is displayed on our website would be incorrect if cut/paste directly into the makefiles. Compare to the original makefiles first and correct as necessary.
When adding the echo statements to the makefiles, make sure the lines are indented with tabs, not spaces. The compile will fail if any makefile commands are not indented with tabs.
Run Makefile
Changes to run Makefile include removing "" on the 2 target.dir
statements, removing -O2
compiler flag to prevent crashing on startup, separating single echo
statement (which does not work) into separate lines.
# .\src\native\windows\run\Makefile # # Make sure all indented lines use tab indent, not spaces. # MINGW_HOME ?= C:/mingw PRODUCTNAME ?= Jitsi COMPANYNAME ?= jitsi.org PRODUCTBUILDVERSION ?= PRODUCTBUILDVERSION_COMMA ?= 1,0,0,0 TARGET_BASENAME ?= run TARGET_DIR ?= ../../../../release/windows/tmp ifeq ($(wildcard /bin/cygpath.*),/bin/cygpath.exe) target.dir := $(shell cygpath --mixed "$(TARGET_DIR)") cygwin.target.dir := $(shell cygpath --unix "$(TARGET_DIR)") else target.dir := $(TARGET_DIR) cygwin.target.dir := $(TARGET_DIR) endif CC = $(MINGW_HOME)/bin/gcc.exe CPPFLAGS := $(CPPFLAGS) \ -Wall -Wreturn-type \ -DPSAPI_VERSION=1 \ -DWINVER=0x0502 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0502 \ -I$(target.dir) \ -I"$(JAVA_HOME)/include" -I"$(JAVA_HOME)/include/win32" LDFLAGS = -mwindows LIBS = -ladvapi32 -lpsapi MACHINE = $(shell $(CC) -dumpmachine) WINDRES = $(MINGW_HOME)/bin/windres.exe ifneq ("x$(MACHINE)","x") ifeq ($(wildcard $(MINGW_HOME)/bin/$(MACHINE)-windres.*),$(MINGW_HOME)/bin/$(MACHINE)-windres.exe) WINDRES = $(MINGW_HOME)/bin/$(MACHINE)-windres.exe endif endif $(cygwin.target.dir)/$(TARGET_BASENAME).exe: $(cygwin.target.dir)/config.h registry.c run.c $(cygwin.target.dir)/run.res ../setup/nls.c $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) registry.c run.c $(target.dir)/run.res ../setup/nls.c $(LDFLAGS) -o $(target.dir)/$(TARGET_BASENAME).exe $(LIBS) -$(MINGW_HOME)/$(MACHINE)/bin/strip.exe $(target.dir)/$(TARGET_BASENAME).exe .PHONY: $(cygwin.target.dir)/config.h $(cygwin.target.dir)/config.h: -rm.exe -f ../../../../resources/install/windows/config.h echo #define PRODUCTNAME "$(PRODUCTNAME)" > $(cygwin.target.dir)/config.h echo #define COMPANYNAME "$(COMPANYNAME)" >> $(cygwin.target.dir)/config.h echo #define PRODUCTBUILDVERSION "$(PRODUCTBUILDVERSION)" >> $(cygwin.target.dir)/config.h echo #define PRODUCTBUILDVERSION_COMMA $(PRODUCTBUILDVERSION_COMMA) >> $(cygwin.target.dir)/config.h echo #define TARGET_BASENAME "$(TARGET_BASENAME)" >> $(cygwin.target.dir)/config.h echo #define TARGET_BASENAME_EXE "$(TARGET_BASENAME).exe" >> $(cygwin.target.dir)/config.h $(cygwin.target.dir)/run.res: $(cygwin.target.dir)/config.h run.rc $(WINDRES) -I../../../../resources/install/windows -I$(target.dir) run.rc -O coff -o $(target.dir)/run.res
Setup Makefile
Changes to setup Makefile include removing "" on the 2 target.dir
statements, a working ARCH
determination (assigns "x86" if running wix with mingw installed, assigns "x64" if wix-64 with mingw-w64 installed) , separating single echo
statement into individual lines.
# .\src\native\windows\setup\Makefile # # Make sure all indented lines use tab indent, not spaces # BZ2_HOME ?= . LZMA_HOME ?= . MINGW_HOME ?= C:/mingw PRODUCTNAME ?= Jitsi PRODUCTBUILDVERSION ?= TARGET_BASENAME ?= setup TARGET_DIR ?= ../../../../release/windows/tmp ifeq ($(wildcard /bin/cygpath.*),/bin/cygpath.exe) target.dir := $(shell cygpath --mixed "$(TARGET_DIR)") cygwin.target.dir := $(shell cygpath --unix "$(TARGET_DIR)") else target.dir := $(TARGET_DIR) cygwin.target.dir := $(TARGET_DIR) endif CC = $(MINGW_HOME)/bin/gcc.exe CPPFLAGS = \ -O2 \ -Wall -Wreturn-type \ -DWINVER=0x0502 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0502 \ -I$(target.dir) \ -DBSPATCH_API_STATIC -DBZ2_API_STATIC -I. -I$(BZ2_HOME)/include -I$(BZ2_HOME) \ -DLZMA_API_STATIC -I$(LZMA_HOME)/include -I$(LZMA_HOME)/api \ -I../run LDFLAGS = \ -mwindows \ -L$(BZ2_HOME)/lib/$(ARCH) -L$(BZ2_HOME) \ -L$(LZMA_HOME)/lib/$(ARCH) -L$(LZMA_HOME)/.libs LIBS = -ladvapi32 -lbz2 -llzma -lole32 -lshell32 MACHINE = $(shell $(CC) -dumpmachine) ifneq (,$(findstring x86_64-,$(MACHINE))) ARCH = x64 else ifneq (,$(findstring i.86-,$(MACHINE))) ARCH = x86 else ifeq ("$(MACHINE)","mingw32") ARCH = x86 endif WINDRES = $(MINGW_HOME)/bin/windres.exe ifneq ("x$(MACHINE)","x") ifeq ($(wildcard $(MINGW_HOME)/bin/$(MACHINE)-windres.*),$(MINGW_HOME)/bin/$(MACHINE)-windres.exe) WINDRES = $(MINGW_HOME)/bin/$(MACHINE)-windres.exe endif endif ifdef PACKAGECODE DEFINE_PACKAGECODE = define PACKAGECODE "$(strip $(PACKAGECODE))" else DEFINE_PACKAGECODE = undef PACKAGECODE endif ifdef PACKAGESIZE DEFINE_PACKAGESIZE = define PACKAGESIZE $(strip $(PACKAGESIZE)) else DEFINE_PACKAGESIZE = undef PACKAGESIZE endif $(cygwin.target.dir)/$(TARGET_BASENAME).exe: bspatch.c $(cygwin.target.dir)/config.h lasterror.c nls.c ../run/registry.c setup.c $(cygwin.target.dir)/setup.res $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) bspatch.c lasterror.c nls.c ../run/registry.c setup.c $(target.dir)/setup.res $(LDFLAGS) -o $(target.dir)/$(TARGET_BASENAME).exe $(LIBS) -$(MINGW_HOME)/$(MACHINE)/bin/strip.exe $(target.dir)/$(TARGET_BASENAME).exe .PHONY: $(cygwin.target.dir)/config.h $(cygwin.target.dir)/config.h: -rm.exe -f ../../../../resources/install/windows/config.h echo #define PRODUCTNAME "$(PRODUCTNAME)" > $(cygwin.target.dir)/config.h echo #$(DEFINE_PACKAGECODE) >> $(cygwin.target.dir)/config.h echo #$(DEFINE_PACKAGESIZE) >> $(cygwin.target.dir)/config.h echo #define PRODUCTBUILDVERSION "$(PRODUCTBUILDVERSION)" >> $(cygwin.target.dir)/config.h $(cygwin.target.dir)/setup.res: $(cygwin.target.dir)/config.h setup.rc $(WINDRES) -I../../../../resources/install/windows -I$(target.dir) setup.rc -O coff -o $(target.dir)/setup.res
Cleansweep Makefile
Changes to cleansweep Makefile include removing "" from the 2 target.dir
statements and separating out the echo
#.\src\native\windows\setup\cleansweep\Makefile # # Make sure all indented lines use tab indent, not spaces # MINGW_HOME ?= C:/mingw PRODUCTNAME ?= Jitsi TARGET_BASENAME ?= cleansweep TARGET_DIR ?= ../../../../../release/windows/tmp ifeq ($(wildcard /bin/cygpath.*),/bin/cygpath.exe) target.dir := $(shell cygpath --mixed "$(TARGET_DIR)") cygwin.target.dir := $(shell cygpath --unix "$(TARGET_DIR)") else target.dir := $(TARGET_DIR) cygwin.target.dir := $(TARGET_DIR) endif CC = $(MINGW_HOME)/bin/gcc.exe CPPFLAGS = \ -O2 \ -Wall -Wreturn-type \ -DWINVER=0x0502 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0502 \ -I$(target.dir) LDFLAGS = -mwindows LIBS = -lshell32 MACHINE = $(shell $(CC) -dumpmachine) WINDRES = $(MINGW_HOME)/bin/windres.exe ifneq ("x$(MACHINE)","x") ifeq ($(wildcard $(MINGW_HOME)/bin/$(MACHINE)-windres.*),$(MINGW_HOME)/bin/$(MACHINE)-windres.exe) WINDRES = $(MINGW_HOME)/bin/$(MACHINE)-windres.exe endif endif ifdef PACKAGECODE DEFINE_PACKAGECODE = define PACKAGECODE "$(strip $(PACKAGECODE))" else DEFINE_PACKAGECODE = undef PACKAGECODE endif $(cygwin.target.dir)/$(TARGET_BASENAME).exe: cleansweep.c $(cygwin.target.dir)/config.h $(cygwin.target.dir)/cleansweep.res $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) cleansweep.c $(target.dir)/cleansweep.res $(LDFLAGS) -o $(target.dir)/$(TARGET_BASENAME).exe $(LIBS) -$(MINGW_HOME)/$(MACHINE)/bin/strip.exe $(target.dir)/$(TARGET_BASENAME).exe .PHONY: $(cygwin.target.dir)/config.h $(cygwin.target.dir)/config.h: -rm.exe -f ../../../../../resources/install/windows/config.h echo #define PRODUCTNAME "$(PRODUCTNAME)" > $(cygwin.target.dir)/config.h echo #$(DEFINE_PACKAGECODE) >> $(cygwin.target.dir)/config.h $(cygwin.target.dir)/cleansweep.res: cleansweep.rc $(cygwin.target.dir)/config.h $(WINDRES) -I../../../../../resources/install/windows -I$(target.dir) cleansweep.rc -O coff -o $(target.dir)/cleansweep.res
Change Default Revision Number
Building the installer will fail with an ambiguous error if the default 0.build.by.SVN
revision is not changed. This can be done at the bottom of .\src\net\java\sip\communicator\impl\version\NightlyBuildID.java
. It should be a whole number such as 1
or 222
Alternatively, the revision number can be changed in Eclipse. This will override the value in the above file. From the top menu goto Run > External Tools > External Tools Configuration > Ant Build > Jitsi build.xml > Main
Arguments:-Dlabel= 222
If you have multiple arguments add one per line.
Build Windows Installer
To build the installer go to the Ant section in the middle right hand side of the Eclipse workspace and select build-installation-wix
for 32bit and build-installation-wix-64
for the 64bit version. The app will be saved in .\release\windows
when done.
There will be some errors (ie. cannot find config.h) which are normal. As long as the build completes the errors can probably be ignored. There should be plenty of details in the console for troublshooting problems. In particular, check all the resolved directory paths shown to make sure they are all correct.
Any errors building the installer are most likely problems with Windows environment paths or the Makefiles.